1) To conduct Rural Development activities/Programmes.
2) To promote fine arts of Literature, tests in fine arts and histrionic talent among the young generation.
3) Diffusion of political education.
4) To carry on any activity or activities of charitable nature and of general public utility.eness & education basis water & sanitation, pollution control and waste land development.
5) To understand the factors contributing to the improvement of socio economic well-being of people with focus on disadvantaged groups through awareness and field action.
6) To undertake awareness generation and field action with emphasis on formal, non-formal, adult & technical education, Health awareness & education, reproductive child health & nutrition, Hiv/Aids, empowerment, enhancing leadership & communication skills, formation and strengthening of self-help groups, micro credit & micro enterprises. Environmental awareness & education basic water & sanitation, pollution control, wasteland development.
7) To do all acts and things necessary to facilitate the charitable, social, cultural, educational, vocational & economic development of the society.
8) To establish, construct, maintain, manage & supervise hospital, orphanage homes, old age homes and rehabilitation centers, homes for widows and hostels for working men / women relief and many other ancillary voluntary services carried on by the Society.
9) To create awareness about the ills of population explosion and motivate people to check population explosion by adopting family planning measures.
10) To undertake integrated rural & tribal development projects for overall socio-economic development of the rural & tribal people including encouragement of cooperative movement among them.
11) To establish, ménage, maintain fellowship centers & subscribe to arrange for training centers, camps, seminars, excursions etc. and to set up government aided projects such as KVIC, Central & State Ministries.
12) To organize movements, counseling and de-addiction centers and other forums to bring about public awareness of the ills of drug abuse, crime and other social evils like dowry systems etc.
13) To undertake relief measures in aid for the distressed people affected by natural calamities or in other ways e.g. to rehabilitate them and make them selfdependent through income-generating schemes.
14) To borrow funds from government/foreign/any other financial institutions like, SIDBI, Commercial, banks, RMK, Women finance Corporation; Micro finance institutions etc., for leading to self-help group members.
15) To provide affordable quality health care to people of the district through ISM remedies.
16) To undertake publicity/Career guidance activities like publication of News Letters/ Magazines/broachers etc. of organizational or Government or any other institutions.